Thursday, July 15, 2010

A New Adventure When Not Expected!

Sweet! Dad and Nate left for a camping trip yesterday. They are going to be gone for 5 days. Sweet again!! :D We get to have a total girl party while the boys are gone.

Yesterday Mom, Elisabeth and I stayed up till about 12 a clook waching movies. We did not get up untill about 11 o'clook this morning. WOW!! Finally, after we all got our lazy bones out of bed Elisabeth and I went to see Salsa (my horse). We did not stay long becuse Elisabeth was not felling well. Mom came and picked up Elisabeth while I had to ride home on a bike. I hope I did not over do it.

Later that day we went to town, then after we got back we went to church. After church we sat down and watched another movie. Mom went to bed after the first movie and Elisabeth and I watched another movie. If you can't tell, I love to watch movies. Here comes the fun part; we had finished the movie and Elisabeth was going over to the church to go to bed and realized the church was locked. And to make it ever more funny, we could not find the key to the church, (we later found that there were two sets of keys on the table, but we were too tired to notice). So, now I am wondering how Elisabeth is going to bed. Then, I remembered that mom had left the class room window open in the basement. We went to the window and saw there were dead bugs all over in the windowsell. The windows are so old and very small, they were not made to have me go through them. I told Elisabeth to keep a watch on things so someone does not think we are tring to break into the Baptist church in town. Wouldn't that just go wonderfully in the front page of the news paper, "The Pasters Daughter Breaks into Central Baptist Church in Hayden Colorado". Wow, that would give them something to talk about in this little town. We finally got in and I don't think anyone saw me fall in the window...I kinda knocked over a podium when i got in.

I better go to bed. We are going on a hike tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Having more fun then ever!!!!!!

WOW! It has been so much fun lately. There has been so much going on since I wrote last.

This week everybody worked really hard (me, Nathan and the CITY girl, Elisabeth) and still having time to have a bunch of fun.

For the fourth of July my family and Elisabeth went to Craig at 8:00 to watch the fire works. We also met up with Danial, (He is a funny guy from out church). It had been raining earlier that day and when we got to the high school there was two BRIGHT rainbows in the sky (full rainbows!). It is amazing that God has still kept his promes not to flood the earth again. WOW, we never really stop and think about what God has done for us. It is so amazing that people see a beautiful rainbow in the sky and never stop to remember why it is there.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Just horsin' around

Here are some random pictures of Elisabeth, Salsa and Me. Well, Elisabeth is not a stuck up college student like I thought she would be. She is worse, a CITY SLICKER!!!!!!! We are trying to get her comfortable with DIRT, DOGS and FRIZZY HAIR.

I am teaching Elisabeth how to ride. She is working on riding without clinging onto the saddle horn. Go Elisabeth! :D
Girl time!!! We had fun messing around with Salsa.

Salsa got pampered big time!!! I think her tail looks cool this way! Elisabeth braided it for Salsa.

Salsa's mane. Elisabeth and I braided it, Salsa loved it. :D I could tell.

Elisabeth and I rode the 4-wheeler to go see and pamper Salsa. (do NOT let her drive you on a 4-wheeler, it took me awhile to get over that!!!!) hehe, JK Elisabeth, love you! :D

This is me and Elisabeth at Murdocks.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My parents

This is a picture of my mom and dad. My dad is the pastor of Central Baptist Church in Hayden, Colorado. He is the bestist dad ever! My mom makes me practice the piano :D And I still love her.

My New Blog!

I don't know what to write. I have never had a blog before. Hopefully I will be able to dowload some pictures of my horse Salsa and me. :D

My friend Elisabeth from North Carolina is here for awhile. I hope she leaves soon. AGHHHHH! She is trying to give me PIANO LESSONS. Yuck! Hehehehehe! Just kidding! :D (only about the leaving part, I meant the part about piano lessons!)

I am so excited to have a blog. Keep checking back for more posts and pictures!!!!