Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Just horsin' around

Here are some random pictures of Elisabeth, Salsa and Me. Well, Elisabeth is not a stuck up college student like I thought she would be. She is worse, a CITY SLICKER!!!!!!! We are trying to get her comfortable with DIRT, DOGS and FRIZZY HAIR.

I am teaching Elisabeth how to ride. She is working on riding without clinging onto the saddle horn. Go Elisabeth! :D
Girl time!!! We had fun messing around with Salsa.

Salsa got pampered big time!!! I think her tail looks cool this way! Elisabeth braided it for Salsa.

Salsa's mane. Elisabeth and I braided it, Salsa loved it. :D I could tell.

Elisabeth and I rode the 4-wheeler to go see and pamper Salsa. (do NOT let her drive you on a 4-wheeler, it took me awhile to get over that!!!!) hehe, JK Elisabeth, love you! :D

This is me and Elisabeth at Murdocks.


  1. Neato! Looks like ya'll are having fun. Wish I was there...but I'm afraid I'm a city slicker, too. Frizzy hair and me don't get along well. Lol.

  2. Hey Abbs! :) Looks like you are having tons of fun!! :) Have a good time with your friend! :) Love ya, Anna

  3. I so wish you could be here too Susanna. Maybe next summer.
