Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday, In California!!

Yippee Yeah!!! We are finally here. We got to San Diego at about 11:00am. We didn't do much but take a nap, well at least dad and mom did. Before mom and dad's nap we went to see where the Church was that Shauntee and Matthew were getting married at. Then Nate and I went swimming in the pool at the hotel.

After every one got a nap and showers we went to meet up with dads family. It was a lot of fun seeing Uncle Michael and Aunt Anita and their kids again, Shauntee, Ben, and Shara. There was a lot of other people that I had never meat before in my life. I even got to meet my Great Aunt Bernice. She is the one that was responsible for getting my dad and mom together before they were married. She told my mom that dad was a great guy and she needed to get back with him. Mom took her advice and now they are married ( Well I think you already know that because they are my parents).HA HA!! OK Abby back to the main subject.

We weren't able to do much on Friday but it was still fun meeting the family. Sorry there was no pictures taken at all. I was not feeling very well so I forgot my camera. How could I forget something like that? OK very easy, I still don't have this blogging thing ingrained in me yet. Oh well, I hope I will get better in time.

There was not much that happened but at least you know I did do something.

Proverbs 15:3 "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good." That is a wonderful verse to live by. Remember that God knows what you HAVE DONE, what you ARE DOING, and what you're GOING TO DO.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thursday, We leave for California!!!! Yahoo!

Sweet! The day has finely come to leave for California. I really never thought that this day would ever come.

My family was packed and ready to go really early in the morning. We didn't leave till 9:00. My family says that the reason we were late in leaving was because of me. I had to make sure that I had everything I need with me. Like my clothes, blankets, OK I confess my whole room. lol!! :-)
Between Meeker and Rifle dad let me take over with the driving. I was able to drive to grandmas house. I was a little nerve racking, she has 2 to 3 dogs that love to get under the wheels and in front of the car. :-O Scary!!!!!!! OK it was not that bad and I did not run over any dogs. We stayed at grandmas till the sun started to go done, it was about 7 0'clock. Dad had me drive from grandmas house and 100 miles into Utah. I drove for about 2 hours. I was so totally cool. I drove most of the way in the dark.
Dad woke us (Nate and I) at 4:00 in the morning to see Las Vegas. That was incredible. When dad woke us up he said that we were 17 miles ( that is how far Hayden is from Craig) away from Las Vegas and could see the lights very well. That is a huge city. Dad drove through the main part the the city. It has casino's and hotels everywhere. WOW. I got some pictures of Las Vagas but they are not very good. Sorry about that.
This is officially the biggest McDonald's I have ever seen in my life. I told mom and dad that if Craig had that big of a McDaniel's they would not now what to do with it. Lol. For those that don't now, Craig is a small town of about 10,000 people.
This is Circus Circus hotel. The hotels are a lot diff rent then normal hotels. They all, and I mean all, have casinos. If a hotel does not have a casino in it, the likely hood of it staying open very long is very very slim. Also (like Circus Circus) they have amusement parks in them for kids. Some of them also have rollercoasters coming out of the front of them. Sweet!
Another picture of Circus Circus. Its not very good.
More of Circus Circus. This is actually the hotel its self.
It is really hard to see but this picture has 2 cars and the first car is a taxi but the cool thing about this taxi is that it is a Dodge Charger. Wow that would be really pricey to ride in.

You can't see it very well but this is of a huge hotel.

This is another hotel. I had the statue of liberty in front of the hotel.

Sorry this was so long. I just remembered that this is Friday morning really early. I this huge city I did realise that at 4:00 in the morning people and cars are every where. I remembered that God said in the Bible that man loves darkness rather than light. This town deffenently proves His point to a ¨T¨

I hope you enjoy this. Have a wonderful night or morning, which ever suits you the best.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Wonderful Sweet 16 Birthday!!!!

My sixteenth birthday was awsome. I got to have my make up done at clinic in the Mall. It was a great bunch of fun.

I got to spend some time with my friends at Pear Park. This is Lydia and me

This is Violet and me sitting watching everyone else play soccer. I had a great time visiting with everyone. Love you all.

This is a picture of dad and me before we went on our date. He gave me my purity ring at a really fancy restraunt. Love you so much dad!!!!

It's wonderful being 16!!!!! And having such a wonderful dad.

Daddy's Ordination Couscel...

Dads ordination went very well. We had it on the 11th of Oct. Dad prayed for the rapture to happen but God did not have it.

Dad and Mom gave their testimonies (sorry don't have pics).

Here Dad is getting his certificate from Mr. Ehman.

All the pastors are laying hands on Dad at the ordination. There was a lot of pastors that showed up.

Now this pic is a ton of smiles of releif. Dad and Mom both had a lot of stress throught this whole things.

Praise the Lord that it is over. It is great that the church voted him as parstor.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Catchin' up on things.

WOW!!! Things have been really busy around here lately.

We, meaning Nate and I, started school August 23. Wow, didn't realize how long we had been in school. In 2 weeks or less we will not have school for 11 days. SWEET!! Can't wait to get away from Biology. I would have to say that is the hardest subject in the world, well, at least this year it is. A few weeks ago we went to a home school field trip. It was a lot of fun. It was the dog trials in Meeker. There was people from all over the world. There was a lot of very good dogs. That, to me, is very fascinating to watch.

Fall has finely showed its face. It has started to rain and leaves are falling. It has been getting very, very, very COLD and it will just keep on getting colder!! I love fall, it is a beautiful time of the year. The colors on the leaves just before they fall are AWESOME!! It is wonderful how God has given us 4 seasons. Well, some people think we actually have five with mud season being the extra. How would you like it if it was always summer, hot and dry, or if it was always winter, freezing our toes off. I am so glad I can cool off in one season and get hot in another season. God is really great. He knows what our every need is. That to me is so AMAZINGLY AWESOME!! Fall is not just about the color of the leaves, it getting colder outside, or even snow failing and Christmas coming. To me it is a time of thankfulness. A time to thank God for all he has done for me that year. Thank Him for the family and friend He a so lovingly gave me. I can also thank Him for my salvation He so richly gave me. Remember that Fall is not the only time we can thank God for all He has done for us. If you wait to thank Him at thanksgiving it will be to late. You will have forgotten a lot of things He has done, and it will be a VERY long "thank you" list. So make sure you think Him every day?

Church is going great. I have started playing the piano for church on Sunday day and Wednesday. Thomas plays the piano on Sunday nights... keep up the good work, you are doing a terrific job. For offertories; Shelby, Nate, Thomas, Mom and I work to gather. I love playing the piano for the Lord. It is great to honor Him in so many ways. God has given the youth group a great teacher. Mr. Reedy has been such an encouragement to me. Thank you so much Mr. Reedy, for helping me get back into Gods Word. In the youth group we have about 6 to 9 kids that come. Praise the Lord. God has definitely helped the church grow. I thank Him so much for it all. With out His help we would be nothing. We have a new couple in out church. Well, OK, so Daniel has been at the church for over a year. I can't believe he has survived this long with out a wife.... Hahaha! Daniel and Rebbecca Wilkinson just got married on September 19. Dad preformed the wedding ceremony for them in Texas. You guys are so much fun to have in the church. I now at least one of you will read this, so think of yourself as special. Thank you Daniel for being an encouragement to me and being our church song leader. Rebbecca thank you too for being an encouragement. You two are the BEST. I am praying that God does wonders for you both (I know He already has). By the way Rebbecca, some how I am going to get you a cat. Just to tease Daniel.

Please keep on praying for the church and its people. By the way, thanks for all the prayers that have been sent to Him for this church already. If it was not for God I would not be living the life I have been living for Him. Thank you so much for your love, your care, and your guidance through every day. Psalms 119:35 "Make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight".

Please have a great day giving God glory and honor. Praying for all of you. Everyone reading my blog please have a terrific fall and stay warm.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A New Adventure When Not Expected!

Sweet! Dad and Nate left for a camping trip yesterday. They are going to be gone for 5 days. Sweet again!! :D We get to have a total girl party while the boys are gone.

Yesterday Mom, Elisabeth and I stayed up till about 12 a clook waching movies. We did not get up untill about 11 o'clook this morning. WOW!! Finally, after we all got our lazy bones out of bed Elisabeth and I went to see Salsa (my horse). We did not stay long becuse Elisabeth was not felling well. Mom came and picked up Elisabeth while I had to ride home on a bike. I hope I did not over do it.

Later that day we went to town, then after we got back we went to church. After church we sat down and watched another movie. Mom went to bed after the first movie and Elisabeth and I watched another movie. If you can't tell, I love to watch movies. Here comes the fun part; we had finished the movie and Elisabeth was going over to the church to go to bed and realized the church was locked. And to make it ever more funny, we could not find the key to the church, (we later found that there were two sets of keys on the table, but we were too tired to notice). So, now I am wondering how Elisabeth is going to bed. Then, I remembered that mom had left the class room window open in the basement. We went to the window and saw there were dead bugs all over in the windowsell. The windows are so old and very small, they were not made to have me go through them. I told Elisabeth to keep a watch on things so someone does not think we are tring to break into the Baptist church in town. Wouldn't that just go wonderfully in the front page of the news paper, "The Pasters Daughter Breaks into Central Baptist Church in Hayden Colorado". Wow, that would give them something to talk about in this little town. We finally got in and I don't think anyone saw me fall in the window...I kinda knocked over a podium when i got in.

I better go to bed. We are going on a hike tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Having more fun then ever!!!!!!

WOW! It has been so much fun lately. There has been so much going on since I wrote last.

This week everybody worked really hard (me, Nathan and the CITY girl, Elisabeth) and still having time to have a bunch of fun.

For the fourth of July my family and Elisabeth went to Craig at 8:00 to watch the fire works. We also met up with Danial, (He is a funny guy from out church). It had been raining earlier that day and when we got to the high school there was two BRIGHT rainbows in the sky (full rainbows!). It is amazing that God has still kept his promes not to flood the earth again. WOW, we never really stop and think about what God has done for us. It is so amazing that people see a beautiful rainbow in the sky and never stop to remember why it is there.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Just horsin' around

Here are some random pictures of Elisabeth, Salsa and Me. Well, Elisabeth is not a stuck up college student like I thought she would be. She is worse, a CITY SLICKER!!!!!!! We are trying to get her comfortable with DIRT, DOGS and FRIZZY HAIR.

I am teaching Elisabeth how to ride. She is working on riding without clinging onto the saddle horn. Go Elisabeth! :D
Girl time!!! We had fun messing around with Salsa.

Salsa got pampered big time!!! I think her tail looks cool this way! Elisabeth braided it for Salsa.

Salsa's mane. Elisabeth and I braided it, Salsa loved it. :D I could tell.

Elisabeth and I rode the 4-wheeler to go see and pamper Salsa. (do NOT let her drive you on a 4-wheeler, it took me awhile to get over that!!!!) hehe, JK Elisabeth, love you! :D

This is me and Elisabeth at Murdocks.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My parents

This is a picture of my mom and dad. My dad is the pastor of Central Baptist Church in Hayden, Colorado. He is the bestist dad ever! My mom makes me practice the piano :D And I still love her.

My New Blog!

I don't know what to write. I have never had a blog before. Hopefully I will be able to dowload some pictures of my horse Salsa and me. :D

My friend Elisabeth from North Carolina is here for awhile. I hope she leaves soon. AGHHHHH! She is trying to give me PIANO LESSONS. Yuck! Hehehehehe! Just kidding! :D (only about the leaving part, I meant the part about piano lessons!)

I am so excited to have a blog. Keep checking back for more posts and pictures!!!!